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09.12.2021 17:43
on the provision of telecommunication services for Internet access / DOMONET
This agreement is an official proposal (offer) of Anlimited Telecom LLC - Provider, which is included in the register of telecommunications operators / providers by the decision of the NCCIR № 305 dated 08.07.2010, addressed to any individual in accordance with Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine , enter into an agreement on the provision of Internet access / DOMONET, which is concluded by providing the Subscriber's consent to join the proposed Agreement as a whole, by accepting (accepting) all essential terms of the Agreement, without signing a written copy by the Parties.
1. Terms and definitions.
1.1. Agreement - a standard agreement on the provision of Internet / DOMONET access service, concluded between the Provider and the Subscriber on the terms of a public offer at the time of the Subscriber's acceptance of its terms (hereinafter - the Agreement).
1.2. Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance by the Subscriber of the terms of the Public Offer by filling in and sending on the WEB-site of the Provider an application (questionnaire) for connection to the network. Acceptance is also recognized as the fact of payment of the amount by the Subscriber for the Service.
1.3. Subscriber - an individual and / or legal entity that has entered into an Agreement with the Provider on the terms set forth in the public offer.
1.4. Content - audiovisual works (films, series, animations, etc.) stored on or displayed through the Partner's server.
1.5. Partner (Content Partner) - Limited Liability Company "Omega TV", which operates under the company "Omega TV" and in the interests of and through which a set of organizational, technical, legal measures to aggregate the content of Rightsholders (both linear and nonlinear) in order to provide access to it to Subscribers.
1.5. Service - providing technical possibility of access to the Internet / DOMONET provided by the Provider to the Subscriber (hereinafter - the Service).
1.6. Additional service - access to viewing Content. The Service is provided as a single service together with the Service and is governed by the Additional Service Agreement and this Public Agreement. The service is provided to Subscribers for personal non-commercial use. Provision of the Service is possible only if there is an Internet connection and subscriber equipment (in particular, STB, Smart TV where the software application is installed) (hereinafter - the Service).
1.7. Activation of the Service - bringing the Software application on the equipment to a state that provides the Subscriber with access to the Service.
1.8. Software application - software that is designed to enable the Subscriber to receive the Service on the Subscriber's equipment and does not provide for the use of additional protocols for the delivery of video and audio signals. The list of software applications and technical requirements for access to the Service are set by the Provider and the Partner.
1.7. The Internet is a global public information system that is logically connected to a global address space and is based on an Internet protocol defined by international standards.
1.8. DOMONET is a city data network that combines several local area networks into a single metropolitan area network and is part of a global information network. At the same time DOMONET is a sign for goods and services.
1.9. Technical possibility of receiving the Service - finding the Subscriber in the coverage area of the Service and using it to access the Service of the Subscriber's configured equipment and software. Configuration of the Subscriber's software and equipment is carried out by the Subscriber independently.
1.10. Internet / DOMONET connection is a set of actions of the Provider, which consists in laying a network cable from the Provider's equipment to the Subscriber's premises, providing the Subscriber with a network cable up to 20 m long for independent laying on the Subscriber's premises, providing the Subscriber with one port in the Provider's equipment.
1.11. Subscriber's equipment is an electronic device (computer, laptop, etc.) with a built-in Ethernet network interface or an expansion module for installing a network interface.
1.12. The coverage area of the service is the geographical area of the Provider's telecommunications network.
1.13. Session - another continuous use of the Service.
1.14. Provider's WEB-site - WWW-server of the Provider, which contains all the necessary information for using the Service. The ISP's website is located and available on the Internet at: http://domonet.ua/.
1.15. Personal account - a web-page on the Provider's WEB-site, which contains statistical information about the Services, the current status of the Subscriber's Personal Account and other information. Access to the Personal Account is carried out by means of the Subscriber's equipment in the service area of the Service at the address: https://my.domonet.ua/.
1.16. Personal account - an account in the billing system of the Provider, which records the advance payments of the Subscriber and the amount of funds withheld (written off) from these payments as payment for the Service provided. The personal account has a unique identifier.
1.17. Minimum data rate - available data rate for inbound and outbound traffic, which can be up to 10% of the rate specified in the Agreement.
1.18. Static IP address is a permanent address of the device address on a computer network. This type of address means that it does not change its value over time, and this address always identifies the same device to which it was originally intended.
1.19. A dynamic IP address is a device ID in the ISP's computer network that is allocated to the device dynamically by DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol).
2. Subject.
2.1. The Provider undertakes to provide the Subscriber with the Internet / DOMONET Access Service, including the possibility to connect the Additional Service, on the terms of additional payment, on-line on the terms of the public Accession Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine. The list of available Content is defined on the WEB-site of the Provider.
Access to the viewing of the Content Provider offered to the Subscriber is carried out with the help of the Content Partner of Omega TV LLC.
2.2. The Provider has the right to engage third parties acting on behalf of the Provider on the basis of its resources to fulfill its obligations to the Subscriber under this Agreement, exclusively within the telecommunications legislation of Ukraine and entered in the register of NCCIR operators / providers, remaining responsible to the Subscriber. Services. Payment by the Subscriber to a third party engaged by the Provider under this Agreement is due performance of the Subscriber's obligation to the Provider.
3. General provisions.
3.1. This public offer is addressed to all individuals and / or legal entities wishing to use the Service and have the technical ability to receive the Service.
3.2. The validity of the terms of the public offer is limited. From the date of reaching the zero or negative balance of the Subscriber's Personal Account, the provision of services shall be suspended for the entire period of such balance. If within three months from the date of suspension of the Service the Subscriber does not restore the positive balance of the Personal Account, the Provider reserves the right to terminate the Service and terminate the Agreement unilaterally. In this case, in case of suspension of the Service due to the fault of the Subscriber - the subscription fee continues to accrue until the termination (termination) of the Agreement. Subsequent receipt of the Service on the terms of this public offer by such Subscriber is possible only after repayment of the existing debt.
3.3. Within three months from the date of suspension of the Subscriber's Service, the Provider reserves the right to physically disconnect the Subscriber's equipment. In this case, if the Subscriber wishes to continue receiving the Service after replenishing the Personal Account, the provision of the Service will be resumed by reconnecting the equipment.
3.4. All changes and additions to the public offer are published on the ISP's website in the manner specified in paragraph 6.9. offers.
3.5. All conditions of the public offer are obligatory for both the Subscriber and the Provider. Before using the Service, the Subscriber is obliged to read the terms of the public offer, fill in the application for connection on the Provider's website and find out the technical possibility of connecting to the Internet / DOMONET.
4. Conclusion and term of the contract.
4.1. The Agreement on the provision of the Internet / DOMONET Access Service is concluded by the Subscriber's acceptance of this public offer, which contains all the essential terms of the Agreement and with all subsequent changes, in accordance with paragraph 4.2. Of the Agreement, as well as by appropriate registration and approval of the Agreement on the Provider's website or by signing a written application by the Subscriber to join the Agreement.
4.2. Full and unconditional acceptance of this public offer in accordance with Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine is the fact of payment by the Subscriber, or transfer of money for the Service using other means of payment systems (credit cards, Web-money, etc.) or actual receipt by the Subscriber Provider Services.
4.2.1. After finding out the possibility of connection, the Subscriber has the opportunity to accept this public offer.
4.3. The date of acceptance of the valid public offer specified in clause 4.2. Of the Agreement, the date of conclusion of the Agreement is considered. The Agreement concluded by the Subscriber with the acceptance of the public offer has legal force in accordance with Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and is equivalent to the Agreement signed by the parties.
4.4. If the public offer is accepted and the possibility of connection is not clarified, or / or such a possibility is not available, the Agreement is considered not concluded, and the Provider returns the funds subscribed by the Subscriber in the manner prescribed by applicable law.
4.5. The Agreement is valid from the date of the Subscriber's acceptance of the public offer in accordance with clause 4.2, for the entire period of maintaining a positive balance on the Subscriber's Personal Account and for three months from the date of reaching zero or negative balance of the Personal Account (during suspension).
5. Procedure for providing the Service.
5.1. The Service, according to this public offer, does not include adjustment or diagnostics of the Subscriber's equipment, as well as adjustment or diagnostics of software installed on the Subscriber's equipment, further service and / or adjustment of the Subscriber's equipment, sale of additional equipment to the Subscriber.
5.2. After accepting this public offer by transferring funds for the Service, the Provider, with the assistance of the Provider's contractor, will connect the Subscriber to the Internet / DOMONET Access Service within fifteen working days.
5.2.1. To receive the Subscriber's Service, it is necessary to have equipment with a built-in Ethernet network interface. If the equipment does not have a built-in network interface, the Subscriber must purchase and install it in the expansion module, if any.
5.2.2. Upon connection, the cable is delivered to the Subscriber's premises / apartment at the address specified by the Subscriber in the application for connection, which the Subscriber fills in on the website of the Provider of this Agreement.
5.2.3. The limit of the Provider's Responsibility in providing the Subscriber's Connection Service is the physical limit of the Subscriber's premises / apartment at the address specified by the Subscriber in the connection application, which the Subscriber fills in on the Provider's website of this Agreement.
5.3. To establish a connection to the Internet, the Subscriber must establish a connection between his equipment and the network equipment of the Provider. The Subscriber's equipment automatically receives network details for access to the Provider's network.
5.4. After establishing the Subscriber's connection, the Provider's WEB site and some other WEB sites, the full list of which is posted on the Provider's WEB site, will be available for viewing.
5.5. To receive the Subscriber's Service, it is necessary to register on the Provider's WEB-site. After confirmation of registration, the Subscriber is provided with a relevant notification of registration.
6. Additional service.
6.1. To order the Service, the Subscriber who receives the Service of the Provider in the Personal Account activates the Additional Service.
6.2. The Subscriber has the right to receive the Service provided that:
6.2.1. Has access to the Internet;
6.2.2. Submitted the Application to the Agent in the manner specified in this Agreement;
6.2.3. Has equipment with installed software application;
6.2.4. Has no arrears for the main Service provided by the Provider;
6.2.5. Accounting for the Consumption of the Service by the Subscriber starts from the date of Activation of the Service in the Personal Account.
7. Rights and Responsibilities of the Subscriber.
7.1. The Subscriber undertakes to independently configure the equipment for the use of the Service / Service and to maintain this configuration in such a way that its network parameters are always dynamic (according to the DHCP protocol), including in case of connection of a static IP address provided by the Provider's server with binding to the MAC address of the Subscriber's equipment.
7.2. When connecting to the Internet, the Subscriber undertakes to use only equipment that has certification documents issued in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
7.3. The Subscriber undertakes to respect the interests of the Provider, Partner and other Subscribers in the process of using the Service / Service and not to violate their rights.
7.4. The Subscriber undertakes to independently and regularly check the availability of changes and additions in the order of providing the Service, to check the status of his own balance with the help of the Personal Account.
7.5. The Subscriber undertakes to have the Equipment with the installed Software Application defined on the Provider's WEB-site.
7.6. The Subscriber undertakes to pay for the Service / Service of the Provider in a timely manner.
7.7. When using the Service / Service, the Subscriber is prohibited from:
7.7.1. Use the Service for commercial purposes by reselling it to third parties.
7.7.2. Transmit and post information and software that contains computer viruses or other malicious components on the Internet.
7.7.3. Use the Service for mass sending of unsolicited messages of commercial, propaganda and other nature (spam).
7.7.4. Without the permission of the owner of the respective rights to send, publish, transmit, reproduce or distribute through the Service software or other materials, fully or partially protected by copyright or other rights.
7.7.5. Distribute advertising, information and other materials to other Internet users, except when the recipients agree to receive these materials.
7.7.6. Send information on the Internet, distribution, use and possession of which is contrary to applicable Ukrainian or international law.
7.7.7. Use the Internet to disseminate material that offends human dignity, promotes violence or extremism, incites racial, national or religious hatred, and pursues hooliganism or fraud.
7.7.8. Falsify your IP address, addresses used in other network protocols, as well as other service information when transmitting data to the Internet.
7.7.9. Use non-existent return addresses when sending e-mails, except when the use of any Internet resource explicitly allows anonymity.
7.7.10. Take actions to change the settings of the Provider's hardware or software or other actions that may cause them to malfunction.
7.7.11. To attempt unauthorized access to Internet resources, conduct or participate in attempts of unauthorized access to network equipment of other users, network attacks, etc.
7.8. The Subscriber has the right to comprehensive information on the content, quality, cost and procedure for providing telecommunications services from the Provider, to receive / check with the help of the Personal Account the state of its own balance.
7.9. The Subscriber has the right to suspend the receipt of the service from the Provider and charge for it no more than once a calendar month subject to the expiration of the minimum tariff package (if established) selected by the Subscriber and the positive balance of the Subscriber's account.
7.10. The subscriber has other rights provided by the current legislation of Ukraine.
8. Rights and obligations of the Provider.
8.1. The Provider undertakes to provide the Service / Service to the Subscriber from the date of concluding this Agreement, provided that there is a positive balance on the Personal Account.
8.2. Provide the Subscriber with a dynamic IP address throughout the provision of the Service. If technically possible, by a separate written order of the Subscriber and after receiving the appropriate subscription, the Provider provides a static IP address subject to paragraph 8.1. of this Agreement. Confirmation of providing a static IP address is its display in the Subscriber's Personal Account.
8.3. Transfer the Subscriber's Internet traffic to the Internet. The transfer rate is not guaranteed and depends on the load on the network, the availability of Internet resources, etc., but can not be less than the minimum data rate.
8.3.1. Subject to the agreement of the Parties and / or if provided by the tariff plan published on the Provider's website, the Provider provides the Subscriber with additional services, Internet ports, technical means that will allow the Subscriber to access resources using these technical means / ports. and the capabilities of the World Wide Web.
8.4. The Provider undertakes to provide the Subscriber with electronic, real-time access to statistical information on the status of his Personal Account on the web-page of the Subscriber's Personal Account.
8.5. The Provider undertakes to place on its own WEB-site up-to-date information required by the Subscriber to receive the Service (addresses of service areas, terms of Service, tariffs, list of Tax Services, list of available Content, instructions, news, including notifications about changes and / or additions to the terms of this public offer, changes in tariffs for the Service provided and changes in the list of available content to answer the most frequently asked questions).
8.6. The Provider undertakes to take generally accepted technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality of information received or sent by the Subscriber. Access of third parties to the information received or sent by the Subscriber is provided exclusively in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
8.7. The Provider undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of the Subscriber's credentials.
8.8. The Provider undertakes to ensure the quality of the Service within the Provider's data transmission network in accordance with the requirements of applicable regulations.
8.9. The Provider has the right to unilaterally make changes and additions to any item of this public offer, as well as change the tariffs for the Service provided, change, if technically necessary, the network details provided to the Customer - IP address, subnet masks, gateways, gateways, addresses and server names. and network services, logins and passwords, etc. with prior notice to the Subscriber through the ISP's website or e-mail at least 10 (ten) days before the effective date of the changes. The Provider and the Subscriber recognize the legal validity of the messages specified in this paragraph.
8.10. The Provider has the right to forcibly terminate the Subscriber's access to the Service in case the Subscriber violates the provisions of clause 7.7. of this public offer, as well as in the case of receipt from law enforcement agencies of official notifications of illegal use by the Subscriber of Internet access.
8.11. The Provider has the right to repair equipment and communication lines, equipment maintenance and modernization, including changing traffic routing schemes to the global Internet, if necessary to conduct scheduled preventive and unscheduled emergency breaks with full or partial restriction in the provision of services with prior notice. notification of the Subscriber, by posting information about the planned date, time and duration of the break on the WEB-site of the Provider. Maintenance and repairs are carried out by the Provider during the hours of the lowest load on the network and may not exceed 24 hours during a calendar month. The time of such break is not considered a break in the provision of the Service and is paid by the Subscriber.
8.12. The Provider has the right to disable the static IP address in the event that the Subscriber does not pay for more than 90 days, or the Subscriber has manually suspended the service for more than 90 days.
8.13. In case of expiration of the service suspension period specified in clause 8.12 of the Agreement, the Subscriber has not activated the account in the personal account or has not paid for the service, the static IP address is disabled and the Subscriber cannot use the same IP address in the future.
8.14. Obtaining a new static IP address is regulated by clause 8.2. Agreement.
8.15. In accordance with international practice, the Provider reserves the right without any notice to the Subscriber to enter any filtering or blocking of the address space and terminate the Subscriber's access to certain objects, information resources and Internet services (addresses, networks, servers, teleconferences, mailing lists, etc.) both in Ukraine and abroad. Restrictions on access are introduced if the practice of exploitation of relevant resources violates the legislation of Ukraine, the generally accepted rules for the use of the Internet. Restriction of access applies only to addressing (accessibility) and does not violate the confidentiality of information of the Subscriber.
8.16. The Provider has the right, in the manner and under the conditions provided by current legislation of Ukraine, to track information received and received in the process of using the Service and disclose any information, if necessary, at the request of authorized state bodies, as well as for normal operation and other Subscribers, if it does not contradict the relevant constitutional rights of citizens and current legislation of Ukraine.
8.17. The terms of this Agreement provide for the possibility of changing the Party of the Provider without prior notice to the subscriber within the meaning of Part 1 of Art. 516 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, while other conditions of the offer remain unchanged and it will not affect the quality, quantity and price of the Services ordered by the Subscriber.
9. Rights and obligations of the Partner.
9.1. The Partner undertakes to provide the Provider with access to the Content selected by the Subscriber;
9.2. The Partner undertakes not to interfere in the business activities of the Provider;
9.3. The Partner has the right to change the number and / or list of Content included in the Service;
9.4. The Partner has the right to temporarily suspend the provision of Content in the event of preventive work, including on the telecommunications network of the Provider, but not more than 24 (twenty four) hours per month;
9.5. The Partner has the right to completely terminate the Service through the Provider in the following cases:
9.5.1. Violation of clauses 7.1-7.6 by the Subscriber. of this Agreement;
9.5.2. In the presence of other bases provided by this Agreement or the current legislation;
9.5.3. If the Subscriber's actions pose a threat to the normal functioning of the Service;
9.5.4. Withdrawal in writing by the Subscriber of consent to the processing of his personal data;
9.5.5. Revocation of licenses, permits and license agreements required by the Partner to ensure the operation of the Service.
10. The order of calculations.
10.1. The Subscriber's access to the Service is provided by the Provider on a prepaid basis until the last day of the month preceding the reporting month in which the Service is provided, 100% of the subscription fee for the full calendar month of the Service and only with a positive balance of the Subscriber's Personal Account.
10.2. The Subscriber agrees that the Provider monitors the status of the Subscriber's Personal Account with its technical means.
10.3. Payment for the Service is made in accordance with the current tariffs of the Provider by debiting funds from the Subscriber's Personal Account. In case the Subscriber receives a Service / Service for less than a month, the cost of the Service is proportionally transferred by the Provider only for the period of time during which the Service / Service was provided. In case of the Subscriber's refusal from the Service / disconnection (disconnection), the balance of funds on the Subscriber's Personal Account is not refunded.
10.4. Tariffs for the Service / Service set by the Provider include mandatory taxes and fees in force in Ukraine.
10.5. Tariffing rules are determined by the Provider independently.
10.6. Payment for the Service / Service is made according to the tariffs in force at the time of providing the Service / Service and specified on the Provider's WEB-site. The actual receipt of the Service means that the Subscriber knows and agrees with the Provider's tariffs.
10.7. The maximum duration of a single session when using the Service is set by the Provider. In case the Provider exceeds the set value, the session is forcibly terminated.
11. Termination of access to the Service.
11.1. From the moment of creating a zero or negative balance on the Subscriber's Personal Account, access to the Service / Service without prior notice is automatically suspended and can be resumed only after replenishment of the Personal Account. The Provider has the right to provide the Subscriber with up to 3 (three) days of using the Service / Service "on credit".
11.2. The Provider has the right to terminate the Subscriber's access to the Service / Service, if the Subscriber is involved or participates in actions that the Provider reasonably considers to violate the rules and regulations of the Service / Service set forth in this public offer or violate current requirements. legislation of Ukraine.
11.3. Upon termination of access to the Service / Service due to violation by the Subscriber of the rules of use of the Service / Service set forth in clause 7.7. valid public offer, unused balance on the Subscriber's Personal Account is not subject to reimbursement or return to the Subscriber.
11.4. Upon termination of access to the Service / Service, the Provider shall not be liable for notifying or failing to notify any third parties of the Subscriber's deprivation of access to the Service / Service and for possible consequences that may arise as a result of such warning or absence.
11.5. Each of the Parties has the right to unilaterally terminate this Agreement provided that the other Party is notified 30 calendar days before the date of such termination and there is no debt for the provided Service / Service.
11.6. If the Subscriber uses the Service for the purpose of public display or for commercial purposes, this Agreement is automatically terminated from the date of detection of such violation without any notice to the Subscriber. The Subscriber agrees that in this case he may be claimed for damages, which he is obliged to satisfy in full, within the terms to be specified in addition.
12. Procedure for consideration of claims.
12.1. Complaints are submitted by the Subscriber in writing and are subject to registration in the manner prescribed by the Provider.
12.2. The resolution of claims is carried out in the order and terms established by the legislation.
13. Responsibility of the parties. Force majeure.
13.1. The parties are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine.
13.2. The provider is not responsible for:
13.2.1. for information, advice, software, independently received by the Subscriber via the Internet;
13.2.2. for any costs or losses incurred directly or indirectly as a result of the Subscriber's independent receipt of information and services via the Internet;
13.2.3. for damage caused by unauthorized access of third parties to the Subscriber's resources;
13.2.4. for damage caused to the Subscriber as a result of the action of software products received by the Subscriber through the Service;
13.2.5. for direct or indirect damage caused to the Subscriber as a result of use or inability to use the Service;
13.2.6. for the quality of the Service - in cases of use by the Subscriber of uncertified equipment, software, as well as in case of incorrect adjustment of software and equipment by the Subscriber;
13.2.7. for the proper functioning and availability of certain segments of the Internet.
13.2.8. for partial or complete damage to cable or equipment that is beyond the liability of the Provider.
13.3. The provider does not guarantee:
13.3.1. the possibility of information exchange with those nodes or servers that are temporarily or permanently unavailable via the Internet;
13.3.2. absolute uninterrupted access to the Service or the maximum declared speed of access to the Service during peak network load hours;
13.3.3. establishing a connection to the Internet at the highest possible speed.
13.4. Scheduled preventive and unscheduled emergency breaks of up to 24 hours per month are part of the Service Provider and do not lead to a reduction in subscription fees.
13.5. The Subscriber is fully responsible for the storage of personal and accounting data, and is fully responsible for damages that may arise due to their unauthorized use.
13.6. The Subscriber is fully responsible for all calls to the Service and actions initiated through calls to the Service that occurred during the entry of credentials.
13.7. The parties are released from liability for non-performance or improper performance of obligations under the contract for the duration of force majeure (force majeure). Force majeure means extraordinary and unavoidable under these conditions circumstances that prevent the parties from fulfilling their obligations under the Agreement. These include natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (military action, state of emergency, large-scale strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of authorized state bodies (ban on transportation, ban on trade in international sanctions, currency restrictions, etc.), as well as theft or damage by intruders of linear and stationary structures. During this time, the parties have no reciprocal claims and each party assumes its own risk of the consequences of force majeure.
13.8. The Subscriber understands and agrees that the Provider and the Partner are not responsible and do not give any guarantees and / or assurances regarding the content and content of the Content provided "in the form in which it exists" (ie the Subscriber receives the service in the amount and quality exists at the time of access to the Service, with any disadvantages and advantages that existed at the time of providing the service without any guarantees regarding the quality and scope of the Service from the Provider and Partner).
13.9. The Subscriber understands and agrees that any TV programs / TV programs / TV channels / works included in the Service may be deleted, replaced or moved, and that the TV channels included in the Service may carry out preventive and recovery work, during which access to such TV channels are limited (without warning and without the consent of the Subscriber).
13.10. The Provider and the Partner are not responsible for compliance of the Service in whole or in part with the Subscriber's expectations, termination of the Subscriber's access to the Service, saving the Subscriber's login and password, losses incurred by the Subscriber due to hardware or software failures.
14. Final provisions.
14.1. The Subscriber confirms that he is an adult and capable person and by concluding this Agreement he does not violate the rights of others.
14.2. The Provider guarantees to the Subscriber that he has sufficient resources (including labor) for full and timely fulfillment of his contractual obligations.
14.3. If as a result of concluding or executing this Agreement, the Subscriber transferred personal data to the Provider within the meaning of the Law of Ukraine "On Personal Data Protection", then the Parties agree that the Subscriber, signing this Agreement, simultaneously gives written consent to the Provider to process, use, to act as the owner of the personal data base formed in this way, to involve, if necessary, under the agreements of personal data controllers, and also recognizes that the Subscriber is informed about the purpose of personal data processing of the Subscriber. and relations in the field of accounting, relations in the field of telecommunications services, other legal relations arising from the processing of personal data.
14.4. In case of non-repayment of debt for provided Services / Services, the Subscriber agrees that information about him on the status of payments under this Agreement and Services / Services provided to him under the Agreement, as well as other information specified by the Subscriber at the conclusion of the Agreement may be transferred to third parties. as well as used to form a register of debtors available to the above persons.
15. Provider details
01014, Kyiv, street Zvirynetska, bldg. 63
Address for correspondence: 01030, Kyiv,
street B. Khmelnytsky, 48A
USREOU code 37002464
r / r 26007201369794 in JSC “OTP Bank”
MFI 300528
VAT certificate № 100346215
TIN 370024626556
IBAN UA733005280000026007201369794
Included in the register of operators / providers
telecommunications by the decision of the NCCIR № 305 from 08.07.2010
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