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Customer`s Services Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
0-800-501-011Technical Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
Customer`s Services Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
0-800-501-011Technical Support: (дзвінки безкоштовно)
Our pricing policy is very simple, to view the current tariffs, make sure that the correct locality is selected.
Для квартири
100 Mbit/s+Content "Basic TV"*
Оптоволокно PON
Monthly fee:
245 UAH per mo.
One-time installation fee:
Unlimited usage
Equal upload and download
Для квартири
1000 Mbps+Content "Premium TV"*
Оптоволокно PON
Monthly fee:
1 UAH per mo.
One-time installation fee:
999 UAH
Unlimited usage
Equal upload and download
Для квартири
Content "Basic TV"*
Monthly fee:
170 UAH per mo.
One-time installation fee:
Activation and support of Service costs 1, 20 UAH per mo. - bringing by Provider the Software Application on the customer`s equipment to a state that gives the Customer access to the Service (Content) and is enabled only after the request of the Customer. Content is provided through the Partner server. Partner (Content Partner) - Omega TV Limited Liability Company
1.2 UAH
Unlimited usage
Equal upload and download
It is difficult to do without the Internet in everyday life. It is used for entertainment, work, education, etc. Today it is easy to make a choice between providers: coverage on one street can be provided by 2, 3, 4 companies at the same time. It is very important to pay attention to the cost of connecting to the Internet, as well as to the quality of service - the masters must provide services in a timely manner and prevent the lack of connection to the network.
These factors are decisive in the final choice of the provider. Let's consider what price Domonet offers and why it is profitable.
There are two gradations of tariff plans depending on the type of residential premises, which are subdivided into:
The division is primarily due to the specifics of the provision of the service. So, for apartment buildings, twisted-pair cable is mainly used. In addition, fiber optic and FTP can be used. The equipment is installed in the house (for example, in the attic), and subscribers are connected from it.
In the private sector, the density of residential premises is lower, therefore the provider's costs increase, which leads to an increase in the price of providing the service. The connection is made using fiber optic technology. A subscriber can independently purchase an ONU terminal, buy it from the Domonet provider, or rent it for ₴ 5 per month. The cost of connecting a home Internet for the private sector is usually higher than for apartment buildings. At the same time, Domonet offers promotional value.
The following tariffs are available for apartments (speed is indicated in Mbps):
up to 100 + "Basic TV" (91 channels) - ₴ 145;
up to 1000 + "Premium TV" (143 TV channels) - ₴ 195;
up to 300 + "Premium TV" (143 channels) - ₴ 185.
For private houses, the following tariffs apply (the speed is indicated in Mbit / s):
up to 100 + "Basic TV" (91 channels) - ₴ 250;
up to 1000 + "Premium TV" (143 TV channels) - ₴ 295;
up to 300 + "Premium TV" (143 channels) - ₴ 275.
You can choose the most suitable option based on your own preferences. Television is already included in the tariffication.
The price of Internet connection from the Domonet provider for new subscribers is starting from ₴250 for apartments and from ₴750 for private houses. Additional services are charged separately. The price of connection for apartment buildings includes cable supply to the subscriber's apartment and laying of 20 meters across the living space without fastening, as well as setting up directly to a personal computer. For private houses, the cost of ₴750 is valid when the building is located at a distance of no more than 200 meters from the equipment of the Domonet provider. You can order the service by calling the hotline or through the form on the website.
* Приведення Провайдером програмного додатку на обладнанні у стан, який надає Абонентові доступ до Сервісу (Контенту) відбувається за заявкою Абонента. Контент – аудіовізуальні твори (фільми, серіали, анімаційні твори, тощо), що зберігаються на або показ яких забезпечується через сервер Партнера. Партнер (Контент -партнер) – Товариства з обмеженою відповідальністю “Омега ТВ”, що працює під ТМ Omega , в інтересах, за допомогою та за рахунок якого здійснюється комплекс організаційних, технічних та правових заходів щодо агрегування контенту Правовласників (як лінійного так і нелінійного) з метою надання до нього доступу Абонентам Провайдера.
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Request sent to Technical Support Working hours: 24/7
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Thank you
The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours: 9 am - 9 pm, every day
We`ll call you back as soon as possible
Thank you
The request is sent to the Customer`s Services Support Working hours:9 am - 9 pm, every day
We`ll call you back as soon as possible
** Доступ до перегляду запропонованого Абоненту Провайдером Контенту здійснюється за допомогою Контент-партнера Omega ТМ (ТОВ "Омега ТВ") через Додатковий сервіс на умовах Публічного договору оферти https://domonet.ua/uk/contract . Під Контентом мається за увазі аудіовізуальні твори (фільми, серіали, анімаційні твори, тощо), що зберігаються та/або показ яких забезпечується через сервер Контент-партнера.
** Приведення Провайдером програмного додатку на обладнанні у стан, який надає Абонентові доступ до Сервісу.
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